My guidelines for being a luthier. Music is for everybody!
Many ideas of music and many different approaches to its magical word, as many heads down in the street. No matter if you’re tall or short, young or old, music speaks to everybody.
And everyone should have the chance to speak up through music.
That is why I love to tend every instrument, from the factory one to the fine old violin, all the way along the million various instruments that dwell the world. I think every piece of wood deserves to be at its best for its player.
I try to help in the way I can, with respect to what can be done, to ease the work of the musician, from a young age on. I love to set up and prepare little violins for children and teenagers at least as much as I do love working on masterpieces of wood craftsmanship from old Masters. I imagine their feelings and struggle to get better and play beautiful compositions with their buddy instruments.
This is something political to me: I love the universality of the music language, I love the fact that it is really for everybody. Music is not a privilege and follows humankind from the very start. I think everyone deserves an instrument in its best condition to be played, and so I do. I’m open with small prices for repairing and setting small violins.